Is America the Greatest Country?

A new series on HBO, The Newsroom, rose to fame as “the most honest three and a half minutes of television ever,” with a combined one million hits on YouTube. The three-minute video shows protagonist and anchorman, Jeff Daniels, sitting before an auditorium of young adults when asked to say why he thinks America is the best. Daniels then gives a speech about why he believes America isn’t the best based off of statistics in education, freedom, etc. He concludes by saying “The first step in solving any problem is to recognize there is one. America is not the greatest country in the world anymore.” The video makes you step back and take a second look at the country we live in and if it is really great and if not how do we fix it? Daniels points out that if you look at the facts American isn’t the best in all of the categories like education. In the video, Daniels says that the U.S is ranked 7th in literacy, 27th in math, 22nd in science. That statement isn’t too far from the t...