The Power Of Rhetoric

Believe it or not, rhetoric is in practically everything that we read, hear, or write. Though, in order to "see" the rhetoric, one has to know how to look for it and know what it is essentially. In class, to further dive into the power rhetoric has on an audience, we watched a video where a news reporter was suspicious of a lobbyist that kept on avoiding what the reporter was looking for. In my opinion, it was kind of funny to watch him turn the subject so many times and so smoothly. Throughout the video, I caught myself thinking "how do people believe him?" Well, I thought about it and realized that people who do this as their jobs are good at what they do, otherwise they would not have their job. I also think that since through this class we have learned how to point out what and how the lobbyists are spinning their stories to confuse the audience. It was quite interesting and amusing watching him do what he does to make sure that it doesn't look like he is lying, but also at the same time, he isn't exactly telling the truth either. By being educated in this sense, it helps us determine who to believe and who not to believe, hence giving us, as a whole, as much power as the rhetor himself.


  1. I almost feel like we aren't the ones who have to look for rhetoric, it comes looking for us. Just like being seen in the movie "Thank You for Smoking," Nick went and reached out to teens, the teens never came to him.

  2. I agree with the fact that before taking this class, I was unaware of the topic of rhetoric. Rhetors have a special talent in the way of being able to convince/persuade a group of people so easily. They have a way of making things seem not as bad as they really are. For example, smoking cigarettes in Thank You for Smoking.

  3. I agree with you that rhetoric is everywhere. Since I started taking this course i also see a lot more rhetoric in politicians mostly that I didn't before. Watching the video you mentioned it was hard to believe that people actually believe this man. I disagree in the fact that he was doing a good job. I think it was very obvious that the things he was doing were not kosher and he is not trustworthy.

  4. Before this class I had no idea what rhetoric was, the movie helped explain it in a way that was easy to understand because it was something that could be related to things that happen in our world today. It shows that some rhetors have a way of making people believe things that aren't always the right thing.

  5. I also feel that rhetoric is present in almost everything we hear in politics and on the news. How is it that our opinions are swayed so easily? Rhetoric is honestly a form of control. It is scary to see how far people will stray from their original thoughts, because of an argument made in rhetoric.


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