Ch. 6 "Make them Listen" and Ch.7 "Use your Craft"

        Some of the key things Jay Heinrichs brings to our attention the 4 ways to pump up your rhetorical virtue in chapter 6. The 4 ways include: brag, get a witness to brag for you, reveal a tactical law and switch sides when the powers that be do. Also in Chapter 7 "Use your Craft" Jay Heinrichs talks about the 3 ways to get the audience to trust your decision. Such as show off your experience, bend the rules and seem to take middle course. I personally like this book because it teaches and makes me think about rhetoric. Before this class I never heard of rhetoric nor even knew it existed, I like that Jay gives us little key things such as what is above and how in chapter 1 he included his personal life.


  1. This book does give a lot of detail about life in general. Which is actually kinda cool the skills and other types of techniques that Heinrichs uses in this book can be used in life everyday and it is crazy to think that he wrote this book knowing how much it would be confusing yet easy to follow. The book gives tons of information about the three main ways to convince an audience and it's very interesting and keeps me engaged in the book.

  2. I had the same experience, Rhetoric was never introduced to me until this class.

  3. Rhetoric can be simple but difficult to understand, and the book does provide significant information on how to use rhetoric to our advantage.

  4. I have never related to a textbook more in my life than I have for this class. I never knew what rhetoric was and how to effectively use it in my writing until I read Thank You For Arguing. Each chapter does an amazing job showing examples of how rhetoric is used in the writer's personal life.


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