Thank You for Arguing Chapter 4

In chapter 4 in Thank You for Arguing, Heinrichs talks about the 3 different tools of persuasion; argument by character, logic, and emotion. He uses the example of his son wanting to wear shorts to school in the winter. He first tried to persaude him by using a stern fatherly act by saying "you have to because I told you so" and that tool did not work. Furthermore, he uses logic by telling his son that he will get chapped if he wears short out in the winter and that tool did not work. So he finally tried emotion by aking a deal with his son. This step finally got the situation settled. Heinrichs also lays out Artistole 's Big Three which are ethos, pathos, and logos. You can use these three tools of persuasion to get your way in a conversation. 


  1. I agree that those three tools of persuasion can help get your way through a conversation. By using logic you can get through to the other by using facts to help get your argument across. While using emotion you get a chance to get them to feel a certain way about your argument. These both play a role in helping persuasion in a conversation.

  2. The 3 tools of persuasion should always be considered when having an argument. You should always examine the situation first to see if you will be using ethos, logos, or pathos. By him choosing to use emotion with his son he finally got the situation settled.

  3. I love how even in professional discussions and use of rhetoric. The rhetoric itself is strong but the conflict it self is usually idiotic. Most discussions should not involve conflict.


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