Thank You for Smoking

Personally, I thought "Thank You for Smoking" was a very interesting movie. I have not seen very many movies that are strictly fact based. I found that the cigarette industry knows what their products can do, but still sell it and promote it. Cigarettes take the lives of 1,200 people a day. My question is why would they promote something that can take the lives of so many people? It's all about the money. People who have become addicted to these products. Some buyers are buying and using a pack a day. A pack a day smoker spends approximately $2,282 a year according to an article written by Alaya Linton. Not only is smoking harming people. It is putting a huge damper on the financial aspect of their lives. The tobacco industry made around 35 billion dollars last year alone. This number shows the answer to why tobacco companies promote something that can take the lives of so many people.


  1. I also thought "Thank you for smoking" was an interesting movie. As I read what you wrote, I am also of the same mindset and agree with you. It is pretty wild how the cigarette industry knows what they are doing to people everyday. To your question, "Why would they promote something that can take lives of so many people?", in my opinion, it is because they really don't care as long as their product is profitable. it's about the money! My question through, "why have that job?" I am unsure of the answer, but I can tell you for sure that I wouldn't want to go to a job that is making or selling a product that kills thousands of people every single day.

  2. The movie "Thank You for Smoking" was a great fact based movie like you said, it was able to show us the effect of smoking on society and how the rhetoric was able to have such a strong impact about a negative substance to so many people. I completely agree with your questioning of why do people promote such harmful products to such a variety of people. I understand it is for the money like Nick Naylor had referred to in the movie, but I still cannot grab onto the concept of why people would promote such things with the knowledge of knowing the harm it is doing to society. Also, referring back to what you said about the cost people are paying for cigarettes, the companies for cigarettes clearly make enough profit in which case I feel they shouldn't go after so many people to persuade them into smoking, especially knowing the harm it does.


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