Peer Workshop

The peer workshop in class today went very well. I feel as if this is a great idea to do before all writing projects in class. My group mates and I helped each other out significantly, and had very good conversation over our papers. This process helped my group mates and I better our papers in ways we wouldn't have if we didn't do a peer workshop. We each had very good feedback that we all took as helpful and didn't turn it into an argument. Each of us were lacking some sort of structure or didn't reference the movie Thank You for Smoking. Each of us will most likely receive better scores due to the workshop, which could mean a lot in the long run. I feel like if we did a peer workshop before every writing project, the entire class will benefit and receive better scores because of it. As you write a paper on your own. you tend to forget some key details sometimes. That problem is most likely eliminated when three other students listen to your essay, as they can give you feedback on some things you might have missed. As a whole, the peer workshop is a complete success, and is a great idea for every writing project!


  1. My only issue with the workshop was that it was very loud in the room with people speaking at once so it was a little hard to focus on what your speaker was saying

  2. I feel like as the months go on we will improve on peer workshop for our writing assignments. I agree the peer workshop did great! I feel we all tried to give the best advice to each other and we all had something we can improve on.

  3. The peer workshop did go well I also received great feedback to improve my writing and hopefully get a better score. People were actually helpful and gave good advice and The only problem was trying to focus on the readers essay because there was a lot of people talking in the room.

  4. I thought peer workshop was an excellent experience for my first time! I really enjoyed the feedback I got from my group and hopefully they felt the same. I really do hope this activity helps so I can become a better writer and for any others that needs it as well.

  5. I agree that the peer workshop was a very good use of our time in class. Being in these groups and hearing feedback from different perspectives was very helpful. I was able to alter my project in a way I wouldn't have even thought to before we had this workshop. I also hope that this is something we do for all of our writing projects since it was so helpful to me and I believe my other group members.

  6. I feel that peer work shops are a great way to help critique writing assignments. I agree that talking with others who are also writing a paper with the same criteria helps us see what we have missed or what could be improved.

  7. I have never done this type of peer workshop before until this class, and I think that it was very helpful and beneficial to my overall paper. Getting good criticism and feedback allowed me to get different opinions that I wouldn't have thought about if doing the writing assignment all alone. It also helped listening to other people's essays and getting different perspectives on the topic.


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