Thank You For What?

By far one of the most interesting movies that I have watched "Thank you for smoking". This movie starred a lobbyist named nick and his job was to in some way twist the truth to convince people that about how Nick is attempting to trick the public into smoking because at the end of the day all they wanted was money. Throughout the movie you can see Nick change when he starts thinking about his son, he wants to be a good role model for his son but he also wants to do his job at the same time.

I always question Nick Naylor's decisions because he always knew what the right thing to do was, but he fell back and continued to twist the truth. Why did he always go back to defending the company? Yes he did it for a paycheck, but doing a job where your whole job is convince the public to smoke there just seems hes trying to fill something in his life. Maybe I just don't understand, but it seems like there is more to the picture when you are trying to convincing millions to consume a product that you know can possibly cause cancer and kills over 1,200 people a day.

This movie presents the dark truth about smoking and what it was all about. What would you have done if you were in Nick's position? He almost lost everything for his job and possibly could be the reason millions of people die.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I thought the movie was very interesting and really brought us into the mind of Nick. It showed us what was really thinking and why he does what he does. It was a new and fresh take on a main character by making him a antagonist of sorts that we still rooted for.

  3. I felt as if Nick realized towards the end of "Thank You for Smoking" that his job wasn't worth all of the lies and persuasion towards the young teenagers he was trying so hard to persuade to buy the tobacco product and to get addicted to them. Towards the end of the movie Nick finally realized how much tobacco is affected the loved ones around him, such as his son.

  4. I'm not sure I agree that he was morally torn. I feel that the most unique aspect of "Thank You for Smoking" was that, while you know the protagonist is a horrible person, you can't help but root for them to some extent. He outright said he would buy his son his first pack of cigarettes, even after going through an extreme trauma from nicotine related products. And, even if he only did it for his job, he continued to endorse products that he knew were questionable in terms of public health. Not to mention that he openly encouraged his son's elementary class to smoke.

  5. I personally felt that the movie was very interesting and had a good message to send out through the use of a protagonist who was very morally disconnected from the world and felt little to no remorse or responsibility for his actions. I feel that some people can relate to Nick in that they may have done things they aren't proud of and learn from their mistakes and learn to choose whats right in the future.

  6. Personally, I enjoyed "Thank You for Smoking". I thought that Nick's character was complex enough to describe his controversial job. I feel that Nick had a moral dilemma, more than a moral issue. He like many other people in this world, work for the mortgage. He carries the possible blame of many, many deaths, due to cigarettes. Although, he doesn't take this blame, he does acknowledge it. I believe that it wouldn't be very hard for others to stumble into a position like his.


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