peer workshop

The peer workshop activity we do in class is an excellent experience in my opinion. My first experience with this assignment was a success I believe. I really enjoyed the feedback I got back from my group explaining what I did good and what I didn't and I hope they felt the same way. In the future I hope this in-class activity continues to help so I can become a better writer and for any others that needs it as well. I was a little nervous about getting feedback but the conversations my group and I had were very nice and not argumentative at all towards the subject of critique. I appreciate all the feedback I had got back that was helpful.
Knowing that someone else can give you tips and notes on what you might have missed on the final writing project was very helpful and beneficial to us all. I don't think having a little feedback from someone else's perspective hurts.
The only thing I don't like about peer workshop is we are all in one room where you can hear others conversations and critiques to one another. It was a little hard to hear my group talk and give me feedback, so maybe some of us can go to the hall and some stay inside the room so it's not so loud.


  1. I did appreciate the peer workshop because it allowed myself and others to give their input on our essays. It is a good way to share ideas and provide feedback from different perspectives. It gave us a chance to make revisions and to add on to anything that needed to be added.

  2. I thought the peer workshop was very . Reading it out loud helped me hear my all of my grammar and spelling errors. Even though I was super nervous to read my work out loud, my group was super and talked me through the changes they thought I should make. The feedback was very helpful and made my paper stronger. I also enjoyed helping my group think of quotes and information to add to their essays.

  3. I agree the peer workshop was helpful because it made us all understand how we can improve our writing. During the process of hearing every other person's essay, it was a cheerful and well thought out experience.The overall inputs of everyone in the group was extremely helpful, which in turn propelled me to rethink my writing decisions of the essay.

  4. Our class peer workshop was very beneficial to me and I hope for my group members as well. We had a lot of good advice and helpful critiques for each person's paper. For me personally, reading my paper out loud helped me to see where I needed to work on more. My group gave me a few ideas on how to better my final paper. I did as they said and I think it made my final piece feel more put together. Getting feedback from your peers is a great way to hear things that you maybe would not think of on your own.


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