Climate Change Protests

Image result for climate strikes new yorkToday September 20th,2019 Children from New York are protesting against climate change. Places around the world have taken influence and started to protest. It even sparked a climate change protest at the home of Ball State. Today at the scramble light on Bsu campus, students came to protest. They held signs and were yelling in rebellion for a difference.


  1. I think that climate change is a very real and pressing issue that we face today. I am proud of the people who spoke out against our world leaders, who are ignoring the truth about what is happening to our earth. It is actually quite scary that we have to have these protests to try and show our leaders what is happening. Scientists have proven over and over that climate change is happening and at an alarming rate. We are approaching the time where we cannot turn back on our actions. I am scared for our future but I strongly believe in our young adults and the fact that they can make change in our society.

  2. Climate change is an awkward subject. It's severe and honestly we're past the point of no return. The idea of people protesting and fighting to counter it is great, but ultimately useless. Certainly nothing is going to get better if your idle, but we're also at the point where nothing is going to get better if we aren't either. Don't get me wrong, I think it's worth it to try, in fact I'm quite regularly involved in environmental activities myself, but at this point we're probably just exhausting ourselves and our resources, but yeah, I guess every little bit helps.


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