Thank You for Arguing Chapter 2

In chapter 2 of Thank You for Arguing, Heinrichs compares the difference between and argument and a fight. You succeed in an argument when you persuade your audience, but you win a fight when you dominate the enemy. An example that was used is how are couples relationships based on how they approach arguments. Couples who stay married approach an argument by using their disputes to solve problems and work out differences. Couples who end up divorced solve problems by using arguments to attack each other. You fight to win, and you argue to achieve agreement. If you want to solve conflict, the best way is to argue your point.


  1. I agree with these statements. When people have the goal of strictly attacking others during an argument or fight it will just end badly with no solution. Being mature and hearing out both sides is the way to go.

  2. I think that the information about the married couple arguments was very interesting. That couples that approach arguments as a way to argue to argue end up divorced and they coupld that solve thier problems and work them out stay together. The fact that the way you argue can effect your realtionship with someone that much is crazy.

  3. Agreed! Fighting never gets things solved in my opinion it just drags it on and on and you get nothing out of it besides hurt feeling and bad things. But in an argument you should just persuade the audience/person.


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