Newsroom Who is the Greastest Country?

     After watching the clip in class from the Newsroom it made me think based off stats what is the best country? I looked for a good source to see how they augured the point to perused their readers. I came across an article from NBC written by Zameea Mejia. In her article the way she ranks the nations was by having 21,000 people to evaluate 80 nations based on 65 attributes with the main ones being economic influence, power, citizenship, and quality of life. Based off the results she presents in her top five that Japan was fifth followed by the UK then Germany at three Canada at two and Switzerland as the best nation. She claims this because they are the most business friendly, have a high cultural influence, and have a high quality of life. After reading the article it made me think that is possible to rank these just off of 21,000 people comprehension of statics? With there being over 7 billion on the planet how could 21,000 people answer this huge question. This led me to my next point how could we find an answer to this problem? That question is bigger than me but learning about rhetoric makes one more skeptical and this article was no able to persuade me into 100 percent agreeing without seeing her results.


  1. America is not the greatest country anymore and we seem to hype it up as it is. Here are tons of things that should be done to improve america but because of corruption and money trying to get America to be the way that it was is almost impossible in this day and age. If America was once the greatest country in the world how did e fall behind?I thought countries and technology were supposed to improve every year not put us behind other countries.

  2. I love how learning about rhetoric has changed our minds on politics and economics. I like the idea of us being more open to different ideas and possible solutions.


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