
Showing posts from November, 2019

Do You Know What You Are Eating?

On an average day, how often do you look at the nutrient content on food labels? Have you noticed that the word "natural" is labeled on some items that are not really natural? Yeah.. I did not think so. The food industry is the biggest industry in the world, yet it is the most problematic. We tend to believe the "facts" that is given to us, and don' t really read into the actual truth about the food industry as a whole. Junk food makers spend billions of dollars advertising unhealthy foods to kids. This often sways parents to buy those foods just to make their kids happy. Especially when kids are temperamental in the grocery store. Not looking at a product before buying it, can cause health issues later in life. The food industry is the one to blame. Why lie about the content in food, and why tell the world one thing and then do another? People should not question things that are healthy, because immediately when we see words like "natural" or ...

A day's worth of rain

After a severe record of no rain in 155 days in St. George,Utah, received over a month's rain in over a day. The city of Utah had absolutely no rainfall during the course of 5 months, beginning in the month of June 18 through November 19. Smashing its prevoius record of 121 days without rain, a new and marvelous accomplishment for both the city and the residents. The city of Utah later recieved about "1.29 inches of rain Wednesday morning", and lasted the whole day of 24 hours.According to the U.S Drought Monitor released about 64.5% of the city was in drought, and the rain was much appreciated. Overall, the residents were happy of the rainfall and were given an amazing sight of a beautiful rainbow over St.George.

Humane Cosmetics Act

Last week in class one of the groups topics that presented was animal rights. They spoke about whats happening to animals and about animal cruelty. One of their main focuses was on animal testing. I was curious about what is being done to help these animals and this is what I found.   Just this week Senators Cory Booker, Martha McSally, Rob Portman, and Sheldon Whitehouse brought a new piece of legislation to the senate floor. This legislation covers animal beauty testing. The act is to completely ban cosmetic testing on all animals. An animal-rights group cruelty free international commented on the legislation by saying,  “Cruelty Free International applauds this renewed effort to bring an end to animal testing for cosmetics across the United States that will match the progress that we have seen around the world as consumers, companies, regulators, and advocates come together to achieve a common goal of ensuring that animals no longer suffer for the sake of cosmetics anyw...

Vaping News

Just FYI: Trump Retreats From Flavor Ban for E-Cigarettes Advisers say the president pulled back from proposed restrictions intended to curb teenage vaping after he was warned of the political fallout among voters. for more information (from the CDC): Outbreak of Lung Injury Associated with the Use of E-Cigarette, or Vaping, Products

Refuse, Reuse, Reduce, Recycle

We know look at things as refuse, reuse, reduce, recycle instead of reduce, reuse, recycle. Today I read an article on electrek on the climate crisis. This weeks crisis was "What would the world look like in 2030 if we stopped climate change?" The mayor of Venice blames the record flood they recently had on climate change. On November 12, 2019 they town had there second largest flood they have ever seen. with the sea-level recorded at 187cm, which is 6 feet and 2 inches. It brought severe damage to the city due to the fact that the city was submerged in more than a meter of water. The mayor said that the drastic change in the tide is the result of climate change. Scientists are constantly doing research to show how climate is changing. In this article scientist are in the Amazon in Brail discover a way to prove this stance. They are saying that "if another fifth of the Amazon goes it could pass an ecological point of no return." We need to make a change in ...

Animal Cruelty

 The new bill of PACT act is soon to go on Donald Trump's desk. The PACT, the preventing Animal Cruelty, and Torture Act, passed Congress. In conclusion, Donald Trump has a chance to change animal cruelty to a federal crime.

Inspired By Climate Change

The presentation done on climate change has effected me personally today. I started to think more about saving energy and recycling more. I started today off by unplugging cords when I'm not using them, using fewer light fixtures, and speaking to my roommate about recycling more.

Ch. 6 "Make them Listen" and Ch.7 "Use your Craft"

        Some of the key things Jay Heinrichs brings to our attention the 4 ways to pump up your rhetorical virtue in chapter 6. The 4 ways include: brag, get a witness to brag for you, reveal a tactical law and switch sides when the powers that be do. Also in Chapter 7 "Use your Craft" Jay Heinrichs talks about the 3 ways to get the audience to trust your decision. Such as show off your experience, bend the rules and seem to take middle course. I personally like this book because it teaches and makes me think about rhetoric. Before this class I never heard of rhetoric nor even knew it existed, I like that Jay gives us little key things such as what is above and how in chapter 1 he included his personal life.

Whats so Special about Kennesaw?

One of my main points I used in my most recent paper about Firearms in America was one about a small city in Georgia called Kennesaw. This small city that has around 33,000 people is special because it has a record low 2% violent crime rate and hasn't had a murder in the last 6 years. You might ask how is this possible and its all to a passed city ordnance from 1982 that made it law for each head of household to own a firearm. The stats are shocking and is able to be used as a tool of rhetoric by republicans to poke holes in democratic arguments that want to do away with the 2nd amendment. There is more evidence to go even deeper but that has to be saved for the multi modal presentation 

Women Accused of Faking Caner

A Pennsylvania women was accused of faking cancer received over $10,000 in donations. She faces theft charges for allegedly faking her cancer and collecting money through GoFundMe and Facebook. Jessica told people on Facebook that she had been diagnosed with hereditary nonpolyposis colorectal cancer and was "facing tremendous medical bills, travel costs, and paying for the care of her children and missed work," she said. Later on, Jessica's husband came forward with the police stating that his wife is covered on his medical insurance through his employer and he even showed documentation proving that their medical bills didn't even met the $1,250 deductible. They also said all of the money that people donated from the GoFundMe will be refunded in full to the donors.

Principles of a Multi Modal Presentation

In class we discussed with our groups what principles make up a good mutli modal presentation. Many principles go into making a presentation. When presenting to an audience, you want to make sure that you do not have paragraphs up on your slides. Instead, use bullet points and keep it short and simple that way you can elaborate more to the class. You also want to make sure that you have a clear argument. With a multi modal presentation, you want to include many pictures, videos, sounds, etc. ; however, you do not want to overpower your presentation with too many visuals. When using videos, also make sure not to include a video that is too lengthy because that will take over your own ideas. Be careful when choosing your font size, font color, and background because you do not want your slides to look messy or be hard for your audience to see. You want to also make sure to include sources to help back up your argument and have a works cited page.

Making a Good Multi-Modal Presentation

Today, November 5th, in my English 103 class we looked at examples of multi-modal presentations and what makes them good and what makes them bad. Some of the notes I wrote down on what to do to have a good presentation was too: get the audience involved, do not bore the audience, have a good balance of pictures on slides with appropriate size and placement, do not type paragraphs, use bullet points, do not read from slide, and lastly make sure the information used is appropriate to the presentation and point you are trying to make. Looking at all of the 11 examples we were given there was probably around 1-2 that met most of that criteria. The rest had very obvious flaws that stood out. Overall I really ejoyed the workshop and it greatly helped me realize what makes a multi-modal presentation great from just be good or okay.

What makes a presentation good?

In class we talked about how we can do to make our 3rd writing assignment good. There are a lot of ways we can can do as students to succeed on our projects but what is the best way to improve our presentations?  The list that we made starts with not reading from our slides while presenting the reason for this is because when you read from your slides your audience will lose interest and therefore giving yourself a bad grade. Another thing to improve your presentation is to use bullet points to get to the point and keep it simple do not type put big long paragraphs about your argument because that is boring not just for your audience but also for yourself. Another way to improve your writing is to use picture and graphs below here is an example of a graph. This graph is just an example of what you could put into your presentation to help your argument with facts and can help keep your audience's attention.    What other ways can you think of to improve your writing? Is...

Muncie Man Found With Meth And Heroin

Muncie local Brandon Manzenberger was found to be in possession of bags of Meth in his pockets. His excuse to the police was that he just grabbed a random pair of pants because he was on the way to sell shoes. He voiced his disappointment that he didn't look for his own pants. The police arrested him despite his objections because of a previous warrant for his arrest for dodging a court date for counterfeiting charges.

Tampered candy found in Ohio

Two Ohio kids found razor blades in their chocolate candy. One of the children cut their finger while sorting through candy. The child went to the hospital for stitches. Luckily no one else was injured. The police are unsure who handed out the tampered candy.