Humane Cosmetics Act

Last week in class one of the groups topics that presented was animal rights. They spoke about whats happening to animals and about animal cruelty. One of their main focuses was on animal testing. I was curious about what is being done to help these animals and this is what I found.
 Image result for cute rabbits and its babies
Just this week Senators Cory Booker, Martha McSally, Rob Portman, and Sheldon Whitehouse brought a new piece of legislation to the senate floor. This legislation covers animal beauty testing. The act is to completely ban cosmetic testing on all animals.
Image result for makeup palette
An animal-rights group cruelty free international commented on the legislation by saying, “Cruelty Free International applauds this renewed effort to bring an end to animal testing for cosmetics across the United States that will match the progress that we have seen around the world as consumers, companies, regulators, and advocates come together to achieve a common goal of ensuring that animals no longer suffer for the sake of cosmetics anywhere,” 


  1. Yes, I was one of the group members for "Animal Rights" I can't stand to see what these people do to animals such as putting makeup on them as seen in the blog above, running through rings on fire in a circus and but being tested on. I am a huge animal person and it breaks my heart that they have to go through this kind of stuff and they just want to be loved and free like us. I really hope that animal cruelty comes to an end.

  2. I hope a law gets passed soon. The longer we wait,more animals will suffer.

  3. Animal rights nowadays is a big deal and the fact that Senators are starting to try to pass laws and regulations on cosmetic animal testing for all animals is a big step in the right direction. Animals have the exact same feelings and emotional needs as we humans do. They just cannot express their pain or suffering, which does not make it right to harm these animals for our own humane benefits.

  4. It is crazy to see what people will do to these animals that have done no harm to us. Hopefully they'll eventually pass a law that will stop all types of animal cruelty so they will get their own freedom.

  5. Animal cruelty is a huge issue that needs to be known to individuals. Many animals are being used for cosmetic testing, circuses/zoos and other medical testing. The danger and harm they are put through are so inhumane that something needs to be done. Animals do not have a voice of their own to speak up for themselves and show their emotions of misery and suffering they concur. One story we brought up in our presentation was the idea that tigers are forced to jump through rings of fire in circuses. Even though tigers naturally fear fire, they are still forced to jump through and in some cases are burned while doing so.

  6. I agree that animal testing needs to be banned. I was apart of the group that presented about animal testing and there are many statistics that back up why animal testing is cruel and ineffective. Many of the tests are just simply inhumane and don't even benefit what they are trying to prove during testing.

  7. I also agree that animal testing needs to be banned. I feel like animals have feelings just like us and that scientists needs to find another way to use things to test on.

  8. Animals don't deserve to be tested on when there are so many people willing to be test subjects. If the industry doesn't believe testing on humans is ethical, why would it be anymore ethical to test on non consenting beings.


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