Making a Good Multi-Modal Presentation

Today, November 5th, in my English 103 class we looked at examples of multi-modal presentations and what makes them good and what makes them bad. Some of the notes I wrote down on what to do to have a good presentation was too: get the audience involved, do not bore the audience, have a good balance of pictures on slides with appropriate size and placement, do not type paragraphs, use bullet points, do not read from slide, and lastly make sure the information used is appropriate to the presentation and point you are trying to make. Looking at all of the 11 examples we were given there was probably around 1-2 that met most of that criteria. The rest had very obvious flaws that stood out. Overall I really ejoyed the workshop and it greatly helped me realize what makes a multi-modal presentation great from just be good or okay.


  1. I agree that after this workshop it gave me a better understanding of what is to be included in a good multi modal presentation. Reading straight from a slide will cause your audience to become distracted and disengaged from your presentation. Going with making sure that the information used is appropriate, you also want to make sure the images, videos, sounds, etc. are used appropriately. Using a variety of visuals helps a presentation; however, using too many is overpowering and using ones that do not go along with the topic of discussion is confusing.

  2. I feel this workshop definitely helped our English class have a better understanding of what a good multi modal presentation should look like and what kinds of criteria we should follow to make the audience more appealed. Also, showing us the different examples of how these presentations would not make a good modal helped show us what to stay away from while creating our presentation.

  3. I honestly love to see a great presentation. If someone can present their PowerPoint without looking and engage the audience. It is impressive and keeps the presentation professional and keeps the audience focused.


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