Instagram Removes Likes

Around a month ago, Instagram chief Adam Mosseri announced that Instagram will start removing likes on posts in the US. This is an experiment which is already being tested in seven other countries. Users will still be able to see likes on their own posts, but not on others. This has caused many people to be upset, mainly famous people. A lot of internet creators gain revenue through interaction on their posts. This new like system would make it harder for that to happen. The cause of all this, is inequality. For instance, if a High School girl only gets 75-100 likes per post, while another girl in her grade gets 350-400, this causes the girl with less likes to feel more insecure about herself. This is something that I see on a daily basis and has lead to many people feeling like they are less of a person if they dont get as many likes as someone else. I truly think it is silly, and no one should compare themselves to others, but it is a real problem so maybe this is a good solution to this issue.


  1. I think it is a good idea to remove the likes off of Instagram just so everybody can feel like nobody is getting more likes than another person, and it shouldn't matter how many likes a person is getting on Instagram anyways.

  2. This is a good solution to solve this problem, way too many young people are influenced by others on the internet from everything. To the types of clothes we wear to how many likes you want to have on a post to feel "cool" instagram effects us everyday. Instagram has now realized that it is a problem and they have started to lose money so they are now going to block likes and it is a genius idea.

  3. This will be interesting to see how this turns out and if it will stick. I like the idea it is shooting for with trying to eliminate insecurities around the world in teens and young adults. But with something like this affecting the popular accounts that are relying on that fan interaction for gain, I feel as if there influence will be able to sway Instagram making a change. So an idea could be that verified account can only display likes to the public.

  4. I wish social media was not as harmful as it is. Especially messing with a person's confidence, social media destroy it. Whether you're a male or female, we have insecurities and social media is one of them. We all want attention and friends and that's the reality.

  5. I think this is a good idea mostly because many people base likes off of popularity and see it as something more than it should be. A lot of people get discouraged because they don't get "enough" likes on a post which to me is ridiculous because you truly don't know half your followers anyways.

  6. In my opinion, social media has ruined what it means to be an individual. The concept of a following and masses of people being influenced by one individual displaces too much pressure on society and individuals themselves. If social media was actually inclusive and supported diversity I would absolutely support it. But social media's ability to influence the public makes it a major apprehension on societal progression. The effect of social media's impact on individuals can be seen in numerous examples. The promotion of plastic surgery has been one extreme influence over the masses recently. It's use has skyrocketed in society, this is due to the conformity of individuals using social media. It is now common for people to want the features of other people, and abandon what makes them original. This is extremely sad to see in society. Social media may have connected the masses but it has made individualism more and more obsolete.


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