Why it is important to preserve the environment

The various impacts humans have on the environment are common knowledge at this point, but what a lot of people don't know is the permanence of their actions. Recovering from future effects, and many of the impacts we've already seen, will be far more difficult than many people realize. For example, the Amazon Rainforest. The wildfires and deforestation in the amazon are broadcasted on all sorts of media platforms. But, recovering from this is far from simply planting a few more trees. There are over forty-thousand different plant species in the amazon, and over two-thousand different species of animals. According to the site New Scientist; it will take roughly sixty-five years for certain aspects to recover, and it will take upwards of four-thousand years for the landscape to revert back to it's native state. This is partially because the Amazon Rainforest is in a tropical wet climate. They see roughly one-hundred and twenty inches of rainfall annually. The massive amounts of rain wash out a lot of nutrients in the soil, making it 'sterile'. Essentially, after the current plants are gone, the soil won't be able to accommodate any new plant life. The situation in the amazon is far more dire than people think, and its important that more people know that these impacts aren't easily reversible.


  1. I think it is absolutely insane that some people don't "believe" in climate change when there is so much information on the subject from scientists and researchers. I think the problem is people just don't care because it's not impacting them right now. I had not realized how many different species of animals were in the amazon, losing that amount of animals would be devastating. The problem is our world leaders don't care enough to do anything about it.

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  3. Our environment is being harmed in many different ways, and citizens as a whole are able to positively impact the damages being done. There is not a single cause or cure; however, there are many everyday lifestyles and habits that can be modified and changed. Many species are losing their habitats and being forced to move from them, and I do not think that is fair. A change can not happen instantly, but the longer people wait the worse it could get.

  4. With the current president and house of representatives. They are thinking of going to Antarctica for oil drilling.

  5. I think just by everyone carrying about our environment more we could be making good changes to our environment that could impact it.


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