Elizabeth Warren LGBTQ

Lately in our class we have been talking about the rhetorical strategies like pathos, ethos, and logos. Since we have started this section I have been seeing these in every commercial or advertisement that I see online or on the TV.
These four pictures are screenshots from Elizabeth Warren's Instagram post from this past Thursday. If you did not know, Elizabeth warren is a democratic candidate running for president. She is one of the front-runners in this election it seems. She gets a lot of press for having a plan for everything, she also speaks a lot about her support for minorities and the LGBTQ+ community.
In these pictures I can see logos and pathos being used. The reason I say logos is because of the use of statistics in these photos, they are big and bold to really grab the reader's attention. The reason I would say pathos would be because of the way the information is told in these pictures. Elizabeth Warren is trying to get people to feel bad for the people mentioned so that way people will vote for her so she can try to change these things.
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  1. After learning about the rhetorical strategies in class I also have noticed the use of logos, pathos, and ethos in advertisements and on social media as well. I feel that after learning about the use of these strategies it has helped me see how often rhetoric is used in our society on a daily basis.

    1. The same thing happened to me. Every time I am on social media, there are a couple posts that have some sort of logos, pathos, and ethos within it. I never really focused my attention on it until our class discussion, and now I realize how affective persuasion can be.


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