Christopher Columbus

When it comes to Columbus day I feel like elementary school kids aren't learning exactly the full truth, and I know that what I learned about Christopher Columbus in elementary school is not what I have recently learned. I feel like kids deserve to know the truth in maybe a dumbed down way. But the way teachers almost glorify Columbus is teaching kids false information. The Indians deserve to have some recognition for their achievements and for us to recognize how they were treated by Columbus himself.


  1. Up until our class we talked about Columbus, I thought he was a guy who had done nothing but good things. I've only really been told that he "sailed the ocean blue in 1492". Learning about the harm and violence he had towards others caught me completely off guard. The thought of having a day dedicated just to him and teaching little kids about all the good he did seems wrong. I think that many people forget the truth and facts of all the bad and negativity that he caused.

  2. I agree that until class I had always seen Christopher Columbus as this great explorer we learned of at a young age but the truth that came out about him I feel should also be taught from the start. They leave out the accomplishments of the Indians and focus mainly on the success of Columbus which is not the full truth of history.

  3. You are completely correct with your evaluation of Christopher Columbus. I love to use the example of WW2 to relate it too. The education systems are treating the young American kids wrong about the whole situation of Christopher Columbus. All that they tell the kids is that he found America and gold. The system leaves out all the bad things he did. He individually led a genocide against Indian tribes. Something needs to change in the system if we want to teach the kids the right thing to do so history does not repeat itself.


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