Animal rights

As I was walking to english class last week a man was handing out booklets and it had happened to be over animal rights. I am writing my english essay over animal rights so I decided to actually read the booklet I was given because it seemed meant to be. When started reading I felt sick to my stomach. There were pictures of chickens crammed in little crates that had seemed to be covered in who knows what, pictures of animals in puppy mills in inhumane conditions, pictures of baby chicks at 30 weeks old that were huge because they were fed large amounts of food just so they could be killed to feed humans. The booklet really opened my eyes to just some of the issues going on with animal rights.


  1. it really is sick what people are doing to animals. I saw that it was illegal in all states but only about 43 out of 50 have a no tolerance.

  2. You can even check out local animal businesses in Indiana. For example Fair Oaks, they were found abusing animals and running an illegal business within their company. They are supported by the Pepsi company and you can find their milk still in stores. Even on our campus their milk is available. Their brand is called "Fairlife" and ironically they abuse their own animals whether its physical or mental.

  3. If an animal does not create a threat to you, then there should be no reason for animal abuse. I understand the growing and killing of animals such as cows and pigs because of the fact that we need them for food, but other animals, it is completely unnecessary. I recently saw a Twitch streamer who got mad at the game they were playing, so they took there cat and launched it across the room. That makes me sick, animals are a mans best friend and usually don't have any intentions to harm people, but yet we still harm them. It is a problem that should draw more attention.

  4. We as humans I don't think deserve animals. People are so harsh to them and It makes no since. I was scrolling through Facebook and I came across a video of a man beating his dog in his car for no reason I was immediately sick and felt awful for this poor dog. I don't understand this world.

  5. It is honestly sick that people are funding these businesses and corporations. "CONSUMER CHOICE". If you want to make a difference, shop ethically. Money only supports these acts. Sadly, choice is one of the only options we have to make a difference. There are so many great articles on shopping ethically ! :)

  6. The things that people do to do animals is not right. They beat them, throw them, kick them, and hit them. People don't understand that animals have feelings also. I'm sure if another human did the things some people to do animals back to them, they would not like it. Which means, there is no reason for anyone to treat any animal like that either.


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