A Drink a Day Might Be Good for Diabetics' Health

For my writing project two in class my topic is alcohol and I recently read an article about diabetics and drinking. It suggests that a drink a day could actually benefit those with diabetes health. The Chinese researchers deserve some recognition for their new findings that suggest light too moderate drinking may be beneficial for people with type 2 diabetes. The review found that people who had a bit of alcohol daily had lower levels of a type of blood fat called triglycerides. But alcohol didn't seem to lower blood sugar levels in people who already had type 2 diabetes. Although, the research did show lower levels of insulin and improved insulin resistance. The Chinese researchers did caution that you can have too much of a good thing when they stated, "High alcohol consumption is reported to be a risk factor for diabetes." The American Diabetes Association recommends that people who drink alcohol do so in some control with no more than one drink per day for adult women and no more than two drinks per day for adult men. But for the new research, the researchers reviewed 10 previous randomized controlled trials on people with type 2 diabetes. Those studies had a total of 575 volunteers. These findings did suggest relieved insulin resistance in type 2 diabetes patients. So, alcohol is not all a bad thing in the world today depending on how moderated people consume.


  1. I find it very interesting that an alcoholic beverage a day can actually benefit the health of those who are diabetic. I had no idea alcohol could have a positive health effect especially with people who have diabetes.

  2. I would've never thought that alcohol could benefit someone with medical issues. If you ask me, it kind of seems fishy, but if it's true, this is very interesting.

  3. I read something on this topic too. I thought that it was very interesting that if you could just contain yourself to one drink per day then you might actually in a sense "save your life". I have always been told that drinking is bad and nothing good eve come out of it, but when you read things like that that have been tested you see that alcohol does have some benefits.

  4. I think it is interesting learning that alcoholic beverages can in fact benefit one's health. I remember reading many articles a while back that stated that red wine was beneficial to ones health. They claimed that in moderate consumption, red wine can help people live longer, protect one's self against certain cancers, improve mental health, and even increase heart health. You would think that alcohol would do the total opposite to one's health, but that would be if the individual abuses the substance.

  5. It is relieving to know that there are studies being done to find possible benefits of alcohol. In my opinion, alcohol is literal poison.

  6. I wonder if there's a certain type of alcohol that are healthier than another for diabetes?

  7. This is a very interesting study, I myself would not have found it because I do not have an interest in alcohol or its effects typically. It is amazing how normal things can sometimes work as an alternative form of medicine.


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